Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seccond blog

So, Lately I've been a little stressed. i have a lot going on in my life right now.  i' am in a play. which is my 3rd production since the summer of 09. its fun but its a lot of work.  Speaking of work, i have to take off a lot for this show, and i lose out on a lot of money. Money i need so i can pay bills and things i need. i guess that's what i get when i do 2 shows back to back. Another thing is that i' am 23 and i've been breaking out like crazy. it may be from stress idk. I also just got over a really bad cold. coughing a bit but its better than being stuffy and miserable.  So if you are following me here you must either follow me on twitter or your a subscriber of mine on youtube. I do have a contest which i will post a separate blog about. Today the packers played against the bears. The bears won :( 20 to 17 idk what happens. that's okay they will win the next game. Tomorrow i am looking forward to the new glee episode its going to feature songs of britney spears! so that's exciting.  i might miss it tho.. kinda just came to me, but maybe i can t-vo it.!  so my gold fish died yesterday, i gave him the proper funeral. i flushed him.... but today i went to brush my hair and i saw Woody (the fish i know what you were thinking.. you perv.) was floating.... i flushed him.. he went down.. My mom even used the toilet since i flushed him.. can you say creepy!? anyways as this blog comes to an end at 2:01 am until next time readers, as i say on youtube. Take care!
 <3 MakeupbyJenneh

1 comment:

  1. I know how it is since being a fellow 23 year old : ( , I hope things go good for you.
